May 18, 2017 1 min read

Model: Deanne Roye (

Once many years ago I had just taken down my braids, and I had run out  to make a bunch of copies at Kinkos.  Since my hair was not ready for prime time, I grabbed a headwrap and went on my way. My headwrap game was obviously not strong because the girl at the counter helpfully and veerrrry slowly enunciated at me, describing how to use the copier. 😳I guess she figured I couldn't speak English. 😏. It took a minute for me to realize it must be the headwrap. Now thanks to YouTube we can all elevate our game. 💃🏾

Head Wrap Tutorial 1 - 4 ways to wear a head wrap
Head Wrap Tutorial 2 - 4 quick and easy Headwrap styles

 Shop head wraps and other accessories here


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